One assessment platform for the whole university
As of this academic year, all our faculties will be using the same platform for digital assessment: Ans. While this platform is already familiar in many faculties, it will be new for the staff and students of Social & Behavioural Sciences (from 1 September) and Humanities (from 1 February), as they have been using the Remindo assessment system.
Obligation to invite tenders
The increasing use of digital assessment meant that in 2023 the university was obliged to invite tenders for the software for this. The outcome was a campus-wide licence for Ans and implementation of this software in all faculties. The only exception is the LUMC, which will continue to use Remindo.
One system for everyone
The transition to a single system for digital assessment has several important advantages. The functional management of the assessment platform is now located in one place, in Student and Educational Affairs (SOZ), and from the perspective of maintenance, management and supplier management it is better if everyone works with the same system, instead of investing in different local platforms.
The implementation of Ans in all faculties has also resulted in links being made with ULCN and uSis, which means that from 1 September all staff and students will have automatic access to Ans.
Even with all these advantages, staff and students will still have to adjust to a new system that they are using for the first time. To make the transition as smooth as possible, the faculties are organising various workshops for staff members in Social & Behavioural Sciences and Humanities, among others. The teams from ECOLe (Humanities) and SOLO (Social & Behavioural Sciences) will also provide support for the teachers. Students who will be using Ans for the first time will receive instructions both before the assessment and in the room where it takes place.
If you have any questions or would like some additional support, please contact your faculty’s Teacher Support Desk. If necessary, the support desk can then contact the team in Student and Educational Affairs (SOZ).
Banner photo: Marc de Haan