Meet the new student Programme Committee members of Cultural Anthropology
Emily Gdula, Liselotta Jahnke, Jason Irwin and Josephine Hercules are the newly appointed student representatives on the Programme Committee (OLC). This committee provides advice to the Executive Board and the Faculty Board of CADS on various educational issues, including the development of Course and Examination Regulations and the evaluation of courses. In addition to the student members, the OLC includes lecturers John Boy (chair), Tim van den Meerendonk, Tessa Minter, and Benjamin Fogarty. Get to know the new student members for 2024-2025, and learn about their motivations for joining the OLC.

Emily Gdula - first year bachelor
I'm Emily Gdula, a first-year CADS student from Japan. My first month in Leiden has been stimulating, and I'm enjoying both the programme and connecting with professors and peers. The first year comes with a lot of uncertainty as we navigate the programme and adjust to new experiences, and I feel like it is key to create a space where people feel comfortable sharing their feedback, knowing that their voices will be heard. Please come to me if you have any comments, and I look forward to working with everyone!

Liselotta Jahnke - second-year bachelor
Hi! I'm Liselotta, I'm from Estonia and I'm a second-year CADS student. I am pleased and excited to continue in the OLC and build upon some ideas we planted last year. This year, I hope to find new ways to bridge the gap between lecturers and students and continue giving feedback on the specialization system. Additionally, I am interested to hear how the newcomers are doing, and how we can continue our plans to aid them in their journey in the first year of university. I look forward to seeing you all around the faculty!

Jason Irwin: third-year bachelor
Hi! I am Jason, a third-year Bachelor student. This year I am seeking to achieve growth in the Town Hall sessions where we get more in-depth student perspectives on the course material. These sessions are essential to expanding how students represent themselves. Last year, we had a lot of success understanding new elements of our program such as the two specializations. This year, I hope to assess how these specializations have prepared students for their minors, electives, and thesis. As the programme develops in new ways, I want to ensure that students guide this process and feel represented. As this is my second year on the committee, I hope to be more active in my role and guide the new student representatives.

Josephine Hercules - master student
Hi, I’m Josephine! I did my Bachelor’s in design in the south of The Netherlands, finished my pre-master’s at CADS last year and now I'm very excited to continue the master’s track in Visual Ethnography. I have been enjoying the program at CADS very much and I am inspired by the open learning environment with its enthusiastic and empathetic people. However, there is always room for reflection and improvement: we would not be anthropologists if we were not to be continuously critical, and always open for new insights and discussion! I look forward to working together with the students and the faculty to improve the education at CADS. Whether you want to share your ideas on the program, or just want to say hi: I’m always open for a chat. See you around