Universiteit Leiden

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LACDR Spring symposium 2024

It was great to welcome so many colleagues at the LACDR Spring Symposium! After an inspiring lecture by Dr. Avinash Patel from Dewpoint Therapeutics, nine PhD speakers from LACDR, LIC, CHDR and LUMC-KFT gave presentations on a wide range of pharma-related topics. These speakers competed for first place. The winner would be the delegate representing the Leiden region during the National PhD Competition at the Dutch Medicine Days. In the end, the jury selected Khaled Essa, a PhD candidate at LACDR, as the winner of the PhD competition! Congratulations, Khaled!

Moreover, during two poster sessions, approximately 90 PhD candidates provided an insight into the myriad of research topics within our institute. The day was chaired charmingly by Dr. Sebastian Pomplun and we ended the day with an awards ceremony and drinks & bites. 

The jurors of the poster competition were impressed by the high quality of the posters and pitches. Therefore, a big thank you to all presenters and congratulations to the winners of the PhD poster competition:

  • Xiaoyue Huang (MAC)
  • José Miguel Apolonia da Mata (MC)
  • Laura Baars (SPP)
  • Daan van Valkengoed (SPP)
  • Sabrina de Oliveira (MAC)
  • Massinissa Beldjenna (SPP)
  • Esmeralda Hemme (BT)
  • Helle van den Maagdenberg (MC)
  • Mengle Zhu (MAC)
  • Linde Schoenmaker (MC)
  • Inge Snijders (MC) 

We are proud of so much talent within our institute and are already looking forward to the next LACDR Symposium!

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