Film 'Going Beyond Gender' featuring staff from Leiden Law School
The film ‘Going Beyond Gender’ had its official premiere on 20 June 2024. The screening was held at the Gravensteen building in Leiden in the presence of the five women featured in the film and other invitees. It reveals how diverse women's experiences and backgrounds can be and how this diversity can affect their opportunities and career in academia.
Multiple factors
The film lasts ten minutes and was filmed in and around the Kamerlingh Onnes Building as well as the Academy Building. It features five women who are all staff, or former staff, of our faculty. They speak about their experiences in the academic world. The film shows that multiple factors, besides gender, affect the extent to which these women feel welcome and secure in this environment. Their accounts will perhaps resonate with many people, regardless of gender.
Awareness and conversations
The film can serve as a starting point for more awareness and conversations. You can watch it here in the dossier Diversity and Inclusion at Leiden Law School. Subtitles are available in both Dutch and English. The page also offers tools to help initiate a conversation on this topic in your teaching or at other opportunities.
NWO Aspasia grant
‘Going Beyond Gender’ was made with support from an NWO Aspasia grant that aims to promote the advancement of women in academia. Nadia Sonneveld, Associate Professor at Leiden Law School, was awarded the grant and devised the concept for the film.