Outline agreement: we need one another
It has been preying on people’s minds: the outline agreement and its proposed cuts to higher education. Although the content is not yet set in stone − the outline agreement will be developed into a coalition agreement − we are certain that Leiden University should also expect substantial cuts.
Anyone who has read the outline agreement will know that the new government’s plans will have a negative impact on our financial situation. The conversation about this started at last week’s Strategic Conference with our faculties and expertise centres. The amendments to the higher education and science sector plans, the calls for fewer international students, cuts to the Research and Science Fund and the introduction of a long-term study penalty: these are just a few examples of plans that will hit our university hard.
Making our voice heard
These plans are a blow to our students and staff. We are concerned about the impact the outline agreement will have on us. We continue to emphasise just how important research and education are to society. One way we are doing so is by making our voice heard at as many levels as possible: together with other universities and collaborative partners, for example.
At the same time, we are anticipating the future and working on different scenarios with the faculties and expertise centres. What is the financial impact of the outline agreement and how can we absorb this? What are the worst-case scenarios and what rosier options are conceivable? And how can we prepare for this?
Look out for one another
We will do all we can to limit the damage to our university community. Today’s climate makes it more important still to work together and look out for one another. We need one another in this difficult time.
We plan to continue the conversation and will keep you informed of developments. As soon as we have more clarity about the coalition agreement and what it means for our organisation, we will inform you, through your manager, the website and other channels.
Make your voice heard too
UNL is amplifying our shared message by calling on anyone who cares about higher education to share and draw attention to their campaign: https://www.universiteitenvannederland.nl/laat-wetenschap-werken