Connecting the Doelen complex to the Thermal Energy Storage in 2025
Leiden University is working hard to make its buildings more sustainable, also on the Humanities Campus. An important step in this context is the construction of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system. Following the successful completion of the first phase, in which the Herta Mohr building was connected to the TES system, Phase 2 will be launched in 2025. This phase will focus on the Doelen complex.
Wat is TES?
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is a sustainable energy provision system that uses groundwater as a medium for energy storage. The system works by storing heat in the ground in summer to be used for heating in winter, and vice versa. Heat and cold are stored in underground wells. The result is significantly lower CO2 emissions and reduced energy consumption, which contributes to a sustainable campus.
Phase 2 of the TES project on the Humanities Campus includes the construction of a heat and cold source for future connection of several buildings in the Doelen complex, including the Arsenal, the Revens and the Lipsius buildings. We will also explore options for connecting the Johan Huizinga building and the Hortus Botanicus to the TES. Preparation and engineering for this phase has already started. The construction of the system is planned to take place in several phases in order to minimise inconvenience and ensure efficiency. We aim to start connecting Phase 1 and Phase 2 by mid-2025.
What are you likely to notice?
During the implementation of Phase 2, some activities are planned that may lead to temporary noise inconvenience or reduced accessibility. For example, wells will be dug at various buildings on the Humanities Campus, drilling will take place under the Singel, and piping will be laid in the streets. In some buildings, indoor work is also required to connect to the TES. In planning these work activities, we will take examination periods into account. The goal is to keep the work as short as possible, and do as much as possible at times that cause the least convenience. We are working in close cooperation with the Leiden municipality to keep the campus as accessible as possible.
Once the precise schedule of all the work activities is known, we will make sure that staff and students are informed in good time. If you have any questions, please contact José Bunnik at the Real Estate Directorate.