Hanneke Hulst looks back on 100 days as scientific director
Our institute is in full swing: the annual staffing review, Recognition & Rewards, Open Science and the introduction of GROW. Besides these positive developments, Hanneke Hulst also sees concerns, for example about the new outline agreement. 'I’m hopeful that together we will find smart ways to deal with this.'
'100 days are over before you can blink. It was a period of getting to know and finding out more about the people who work at the Institute and the wonderful things we do. I’ve also got to know the Faculty Board and the other scientific directors.'
Positive developments
'It is fantastic that a strategy was formulated for our institute in 2023. That gives us an excellent basis to start from. What I also like, but that extends beyond our institute, is that the faculty now has its own Academia in Motion team: the fAiM. This gives us the opportunity to take steps together, but certainly as Psychology, in Recognition & Rewards, Open Science and the culture change that comes with it.'
Staffing Review
'The Staffing Review is part of the sections' strategic workforce planning. It’s a way of ensuring that we are well equipped for our current tasks within teaching and research, but also for our future tasks and roles. The fact that the section chairs discuss this together with a delegation from the Institute Board creates an open atmosphere in which individual development needs are juxtaposed with the needs of the organisation.'
Recognition & Rewards and Open Science
The Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology Section set a good example. Internal positions became available for associate professors that had clear links with one of the university’s focus areas: education, fundamental research and research in society.
This was clearly described in advance and people could apply for a position. While it might have caused some stress for the candidates who wanted to acquire these positions, there are two things I like about it: the fact that the profile of the associate professors and the needs of the section were clearly considered beforehand, and that the procedure was transparent. Everyone was able to tell their story and was heard by a committee.
'The new R&O format GROW will be launched within the university in mid-June and can begin to be used in September. It stands for Conversations on Outcome, Development and Wellbeing and is a form which, more than the current form, invites conversation. Of course, it still contains the core elements of our work: teaching, research, patient care (at our Leiden University Treatment and Expertise Centre, LUBEC) and organisation, management and advice.
‘Important additional items on the form are teamwork and well-being. Last year I already had a taste of this new system within Health, Medical and Neuropsychology, and we were very enthusiastic. The fact that you see more of the person you supervise than just the quantitative outcomes has a lot of value. Conversely, as an employee it was also nice to be able to explain what you are proud of and why. I think it is an enrichment and I am glad it is being introduced.
'I grew up in farming village where I had to cycle a lot with headwinds: resistance doesn't scare me'
Points of attention
'There will always be recurring points of attention. For example, social safety and academic integrity, the core of how we work together. Due to reports in the news, these issues are on the agenda again, but it is important to keep the conversation alive around these topics. It’s about our basic principle of how we work together in our institute.'
Another point of attention is the new outline agreement. It doesn’t contain much that will benefit education, science and healthcare. We continue to follow it closely, but there’s no point waiting for a tailwind from The Hague. Fortunately, I grew up in a farming village where I had to cycle a lot with headwinds, so it doesn't scare me. I’m hopeful that together we will find smart ways to deal with this.'
'This is how we want to work with each other at psychology: transparent and inclusive'
Looking forward
June 20 the away day of the Institute Board and the MT of the sections and departments is planned. The central, strategic theme is 'One Institute'. How do we lay a good foundation from which we agree, this is how we want to work with each other at Psychology; transparent and inclusive.
I really enjoy dedicating myself to the Institute and being able to contribute to a beautiful and inspiring working environment. There are also regular moments when I think: 'I've never done this before.' But that keeps my brain sharp and I think Pipi Langkous said: 'I've never done this before, but I think I can do it.' That is yet to be seen, but I'm doing the best I can.