Joint solution for appointment of Vice-Rector of Organisational Development
A mediation meeting was held today between the University Council and the Executive Board about the appointment procedure for the Vice-Rector of Organisational Development, Erwin Muller. We have managed to resolve the dispute.
The Executive Board recognises that there is a right of approval when creating a special administrative role such as that of this vice-rector. The Executive Board regrets that the University Council was not included in the process in a timely manner. The University Council appreciates the commitment that the student and staff participation will henceforth be consulted promptly as a strategic and equal partner, at a point when advice or consent can still have a substantial impact on decision-making.
In consultation with the University Council, the Executive Board will complete the steps to legalise the position of Vice-Rector of Organisational Development as soon as possible. The University Council no longer plans to start a procedure with the national committee for dispute resolution. Erwin Muller can already begin in his role as Vice-Rector of Organisational Development.
‘We are very pleased with the result’, said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board. ‘We have learned that it is very important to stick to the proper procedures, even under high time pressure.’
‘The meeting has given the University Council the confidence that the Executive Board will do more to involve the student and staff participation in the university’s decision-making process now and in the future’, said Pauline Vincenten, Chair of the University Council.
The Executive Board and University Council agree that further professionalisation and modernisation are needed to make the participation more effective. We will hold further discussions soon about how to give shape to this.