Faculty Research Day 2024: the power of knowledge sharing
On Thursday 23 May 2024, the annual Faculty Research Day took place at the KOG Building for staff of Leiden Law School. Organised by the Department of Research, the afternoon provided a unique opportunity to share knowledge about the wide variety of research being conducted at our faculty and find out what’s going on within other departments and research groups.
Opening session
The afternoon began with a word of welcome from the faculty’s Dean, Professor Suzan Stoter, and the Director of Research, Professor Janine Ubink.
In her speech, Janine Ubink outlined the importance of the Research Day: ‘The programme really showcases the diversity of research going on at the faculty, both within and between the various departments: from doctrinal legal to empirical, from national to international and from theoretical to applied.’

Parallel sessions
During the parallel sessions, researchers and staff discussed specific research projects in more detail.
Assistant Professor Anna Marhold from the Institute of Public Law moderated the parallel session entitled ‘Frontiers and Boundaries’. She said, ‘The parallel sessions have shown that the staff at our faculty are conducting very varied, legally complex and socially relevant research. It was fascinating to hear, for example, how speakers discussed the privacy and security aspects associated with the civil aviation industry of the future and what maritime law can learn from inland waterways legislation. We also heard about what compliance with international rulings can tell us about the legitimacy of our international legal system.’

Practical tips on science communication
During his workshop on the topic of ‘science communication’, Stephan van Duin from The Online Scientist gave researchers useful tips on how to communicate about their research to a wider audience more effectively. Researchers do not always have time for this challenging task in addition to their daily work activities. As Stephan van Duin said, ‘Is science communication something you do “in addition to” your work or is it actually "part of” your work?’
Poster session in the restaurant -
Poster session in the restaurant
Poster session
During the coffee break, a poster area in the restaurant where several Meijers PhD winners from the academic year 2022/2023 and PhD candidates with starters’ grants were able to present their projects. Participants had the opportunity to chat to the researchers and gain new ideas and perspectives in an informal setting.

Panel discussion on the 2024 Dutch cabinet formation
The final part of the programme involved a panel discussion on the Dutch cabinet formation. Various issues came up during the discussion, including the definition of an extraparliamentary cabinet, the implications for the political arena, the economic focus areas within the deal and the extent to which the deal is at odds with human rights and criminal law.
Assistant Professor Luísa Pinto e Netto from the Institute of Public Law moderated the panel discussion:
‘It thought it was important to conclude the Faculty Research Day closed with a topical discussion that didn’t just focus on one area but brought together law, economics and politics. It’s essential to be able to have these kinds of discussions within the university, even if they have implications for the university and the academic world.
The theme really was a hot topic, as the agreement had just been debated in the Dutch House of Representatives on the previous day. The speakers were well informed about the cabinet formation process and provisional deal, discussing these from the perspective of their own areas of expertise: the politics of constitutional law, jurisprudence, criminal law and human rights, tax law and economics.
Despite a number of gloomy observations, everyone was pleased to end the afternoon together with an open, serious, respectful discussion.’

Date of next Faculty Research Day announced
Janine Ubink drew the afternoon to an official close and a drinks reception in the faculty’s restaurant followed. Participants and attendees had the opportunity to network and discuss the afternoon’s events while enjoying a drink.
The next Faculty Research Day will be held on Thursday 22 May 2025. Save the date!