PhD Association LACDR (PAL)
As of January 2024, the LACDR has a PhD Association (PAL), currently comprised of 9 members! PAL represents the interests of all LACDR PhDs (employed, contract, and external). We do this by 1) representing the interests and concerns of PhDs, 2) advocating the rights and welfare of PhDs, 3) communicating between PhDs, the institute council, the PhD office and management, and 4) participating in the discussion and decision-making processes related to policies, regulations, and guidelines that affect PhDs.

PAL hosts monthly walk-in meetings to discuss input on a certain theme. We would like to invite all PhDs to join the next walk-in meeting on Friday the 3rd of May from 11:00-12:00 in EM1.21; the topic for this meeting is BOO supervision, but any topic can be addressed.
The meetings are for PhDs, but to everybody who has any thoughts on the topic of BOO supervision regarding PhDs, please do not hesitate to contact one of our members: Marinda van de Kreeke (chair, SPP), Tahmina Fariaby (co-chair, BT), Catherine Mergen (BT), Mariƫlle van der Peet (MAC), Dirk Wevers (MAC), Sabrina De Oliveira (MAC), Kim Elbertse (CDS), Andisyah Sekar (SPP), and Lalitya Sudarsono (SPP). You can also reach PAL via