Junior multidisciplinary workshop on Migration: three reasons why you should attend
The Economics Department at Leiden University is pleased to announce a junior workshop focusing on The Economic, Social and Political Effects of Migration, which will be held Friday 19 April 2024, at the Gravensteen in Leiden.
In this workshop different aspects of migration will be discussed from a quantitative and multidisciplinary perspective. Do not miss the oportunity to join the discussion on issues such as the politics of migration, the health and wellbeing implications of migration, and integration strategies of host societies. The organizers give three reasons to attend the workshop:
1) Necessary solutions for a pressing topic
In the Netherlands and in many other countries there is currently a very strong debate about migration. This debate is often driven by political beliefs and misinformation. Therefore, it is important to bring together quantitative approaches that bring facts to the table that can help improve the debate. Join the conversation and participate in the discussion about the policy implications.
2) See the value of collaboration between disciplines
The workshop covers wide-ranging approaches to migration tackling its causes and consequences from different perspectives. More specifically, the workshop will bring together economists and political scientists both sharing a common quantitative approach to doing research. At the core of the event there is the belief that we can only understand complex topics like migration when we bring together each other’s expertise.
3) Expand your network
Migration is receiving increasingly more attention from different academic disciplines. This event will be attended by late stage PhDs and postdocs looking for their next destination and willing to expand their network. If you are a young scholar working on migration this is the place to be to further your network and make potentially long lasting connections.