Herta Mohr Building officially handed over to the Faculty of Humanities
On Tuesday 19 March, Chris Suijker (Director of Real Estate) handed over the key of the Herta Mohr Building to Saskia Goedhard (Executive Director of the Faculty of Humanities), officially transferring the management of this building to the Faculty of Humanities.
While the area of the former P.N. van Eyckhof-Van Wijkplaats was just 7,850 square metres, the new Herta Mohr Building has 11,400 square metres. The building – designed by the De Zwarte Hond architecture firm – is sustainable and light, with an abundance of glass and re-used wood on the interior walls to create a warm and pleasant ambience.
The Faculty Office and the KITLV will move into the new building at the beginning of May, followed by the African Studies Centre. The LIAS institute will then start to move in at the beginning of June, and finally the Middle Eastern Library and IIAS after the summer. Use of the lecture halls will also begin in September 2024.