Marco Beijersbergen fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering
Cosine Marco Beijersbergen has been appointed as one of the distinguished 62 fellows of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE). With these fellows, the NAE emphasises the importance of technological innovation for sustainable social change. The inauguration is on 13 November.
The NAE is committed to providing innovative solutions to the most pressing societal challenges. With the appointment of the fellows, NAE is starting off its activities.

Technological innovation for societal challenges
Beijersbergen is professor of Physical instrumentation for astronomy in Leiden and managing director of Cosine and is truly honoured to be one of the founding fellows of the NAE. ‘As a physicist, I appreciate that my fellowship demonstrates the close relationship between physics and engineering, highlighting the vast potential for innovation where these fields intersect. Besides, as both a professor and the leader of a company on the cutting edge of innovation and engineering, my fellowship showcases that the synergy between science and engineering is not only possible but can create significant value.’
Beijersbergen founded Cosine in 1998. This company develops optical instrumentation for remote sensing and astronomy, and is a major supplier of miniaturised remote sensing instrumentation for space. ‘I see this fellowship as a recognition for Cosine as well’, he says. ‘As a small company, we prove that we can lead the way in innovative developments in both physics and engineering.’
The mission of the NAE
With the fellows, the NAE brings together top experts from research and industry. These 62 fellows, carefully selected from the realms of technological sciences, applied research, and innovation, are an integral part of NAE's mission. Together, they are committed to creating an environment that fosters innovation, resulting in the development of engineering-based solutions that address critical societal challenges.