Congratulations, Dr. André Brasil!
On 24 October 2023, André Brasil Varantes Pinto successfully defended his PhD thesis at Leiden University.
He was supervised by Ed Noijons and Sarah de Rijcke. André started his PhD trajectory with funding from the Brazilian federal funding agency, CAPES, in 2019 and completed his work in 2023. His research, reported in an extensive thesis, focuses on the evaluation of graduate education in Brazil through the lens of the ten principles of the Leiden Manifesto. Building on a descriptive study of the system, the thesis advocates for the introduction of a multidimensional model of evaluation.
In her laudation after the PhD defense, Sarah de Rijcke praised André’s dedication, commitment and excellent planning. Next to working on his PhD, André was involved in multiple institute projects at CWTS, ranging, among others, from Responsible Research and Innovation to Open Science and the institute’s self-evaluation. In all of this, André has proven to be a highly appreciated colleague. Meanwhile he has been appointed as a researcher at CWTS and will be involved in projects and activities around the topics of open science, scholarly publishing, and responsible research conduct.
We, including the supervisors of André, are very proud of his achievement. André, congratulations again and all the best for your future career!