Science Dates Live: talking about talent development at universities during the UNLimited Festival
Does the university value teaching less than research? Can you advance in science without academic awards? Which scholars inspire you? Does the university pay enough attention to both your academic achievements and your personal well-being?

'Science Dates' is an initiative that brings young academics together for a discussion on issues relevant to budding academics. On Friday 29 September, Science Dates goes 'live' at the UNLimited Festival organised by Universities of the Netherlands.
In an interactive session, Bert Fraussen (Leiden University) and Shelena Keulemans (Radboud University) will share insights on talent development at universities from five Science Dates between academics. Participants will then be able to experience the energy and dynamics of the Science Dates by discussing this important topic via concrete propositions.
‘Science Dates’ video series
The 'Science Dates' video series brought together ten talented young scientists for a stimulating and honest discussion about the issues mentioned above and their lives as budding academics. The UNLimited Festival will present their insights on talent development to a wider audience and explore ways in which universities can (even) better realise their enormous potential of talent and knowledge.
Science Dates is an initiative of Shelena Keulemans (Radboud University), Henrico van Roekel (Utrecht University), Bart Haagsma (Wageningen University & Research), Glenn Houtgraaf (Radboud University), and Bert Fraussen (Leiden University). It is supported by the Vereniging van Bestuurskunde (the Association for Public Administration - VB) and the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG). You can watch the first season of Science Dates here.