New residents in the South Cluster from Spring 2024
There has been good progress with the new South Cluster construction through the summer months. All the door and window frames are now in place, the building will soon be wind and watertight and the interior finishing has already begun. The work will be completed in the months ahead, with the building handover scheduled for 1 February 2024. The new ‘residents’ will start moving in from spring next year.
The move
The first to move in will be the Faculty Office and Leiden Global, starting in April 2024. They will then be followed by the KITLV, African Studies Centre, LIAS, NINO and IIAS, and finally the Middle Eastern Library sometime in the summer. The first lectures in the South Cluster will be held in the new teaching rooms from 1 September 2024.
The floor plan, showing where each institute will be located, has now been supplied. The institutes are currently considering where each department and study programme will have its place. People can also start thinking about the move: what can be taken to the new office and what can be left behind? Desks and office chairs will be moved and cabinets refurbished. Furniture that doesn’t go to the South Cluster will be given a second life whenever possible, and otherwise sent for sustainable disposal.
Guided tour of the South Cluster
To gain an impression of the new work environment, all staff members who will soon be working in the South Cluster have the opportunity to join one of the guided tours taking place on 25 October between 16.00 and 17.15. The guided tours will be led by staff of the construction consortium. If you’re eager to see what your future workplace will be like, sign up here!
We kindly request staff members who participate in a guided tour to bear the following points in mind: the guided tours are at your own risk and will take place at a construction site where work is still in full progress. Please take this into account when deciding what to wear (for example: comfortable shoes, no high heels). For safety reasons, you will have to remain with the guided tour and will not have free access to the site.
New name for the South Cluster
‘South Cluster’ is the working title that has been used up to now for the P.N. van Eyckhof-Van Wijkplaats complex. But a new building needs a new name! See here who you can vote for and how. Voting is open until 22 September.