Psychology education on suicide prevention honoured with Casimir prize
'We are very happy with this recognition! The great thing about this prize is that it celebrates team effort', Joanne Mouthaan responds to the Casimir Prize for the education project 'E-learning Suicide Prevention'. Colleague Maartje Schoorl calls the prize the icing on the cake of good education in suicide prevention for all psychology students.

As of 2021, a team of Leiden psychologist has developed, tested and rolled out a on suicide prevention for psychology education. Together with 113 Suicide Prevention and RINO Group Utrecht is digital learning materials (e-learning modules) developed in a blended manner in the Bachelor, Master and Post-Master education.
Joanne Mouthaan: 'With these modules we ensure that suicide prevention is present throughout the entire chain of psychology education.'
“Teamwork is involved at every step of this valuable project,” continues Joanne Mouthaan. 'From development to implementation: this is possible thanks to cooperation between passionate ambassadors at different places and levels. And doing this project together makes it fun and inspiring to do!'
'It also feels very valuable to see that everyone is on the same page. The social relevance is clear: we want our healthcare staff to be knowledgeable and skilled in dealing with suicidality. With these modules we ensure that suicide prevention is present throughout the entire chain of psychology education, from bachelor's to post-master's. And that is also innovative, a continuous learning path within psychology on a substantive subject. The next steps are already being taken for further embedding at our own university and other Dutch universities and postmaster's institutions. Moving forward to national distribution!'
Maartje Schoorl: 'Structural embedding at all universities and post-master's programs is on the agenda for the next phase of this project.'
'From an idealistic, but also ambitious idea to a beautiful educational tool: this project has been quite a journey,' says Maartje Schoorl. ‘We wanted to ensure that good education in suicide prevention was available to all psychology students, and we succeeded. That is actually a reward, but winning the Casimir Prize is the icing on the cake.'
'In the follow-up to this project, structural embedding at all universities and post-master training institutions is on the agenda, including research into learning effects and effects on patient care. I look forward to the next step and to the collaboration within the team and with all parties involved.'
Project E-learning Suicide Prevention
In the project 'E-learning Suicide Prevention' the following colleagues are involved from the Institute of Psychology: Joanne Mouthaan, Mila Troskie, Maartje Schoorl, Willem van der Does, Taarique Debidin, Marieke Bos, Bianca Boyer, Kim de Jong, Jacqueline Guicherit-Dicke and Pascal Haazebroek.
Casimir Prize
The Casimir Prize is a faculty appreciation of teaching teams that achieve renewal and innovation in education. Impact within our academic community, and evidence-informed working methodology, are key.
From the Jury
The e-learning showed dedication to educational principles such as activating teaching and a differentiated approach to fit the level and (learning) needs of the target group. Also, the e-learning was co-created with the target group. Although in terms of content the transferability to other courses might be limited due to the specific nature (suicide prevention), the project design and process is relevant for other education professionals who want to set up a (curricular) learning line.
Chair of the jury: dr. Kiki Zanolie