Teaching Fair of the Faculty of Humanities puts teachers in the spotlight. You are invited!
Share experiences, gain inspiration or catch up with colleagues: you can do all of these at the Teaching Fair on 30 June. Co-organiser Anna Benjamins explains what the afternoon has in store.
‘A lot of great things are happening in the Faculty in the area of education,’ says Benjamins. ‘The Teaching Fair is the perfect opportunity to find out what other teachers are doing and get some new ideas for your own teaching.’
Active role for students in the learning process
This will take place within a varied programme. ‘We will start with a short opening by Hossam Ahmed, an excellent lunch and an information market, where teaching colleagues speak about their educational innovation projects,’ explains Benjamins. ‘This year, there will be many examples of teachers who give their students an active role in the learning process. These active learning methods are helpful, but teachers sometimes find it difficult to use them in their classes. The information market will therefore feature learning methods that can be applied by many teachers, such as a simple debating method for use in lectures, a student journal, a podcast and a video essay as a way to report (field) research.’
After the information market, the workshop rounds begin. Benjamins: ‘There are workshops in both Dutch and English, offering opportunities to learn about topics like how to train your inner professional attitude, how to enjoy your work more and how to make your teaching more exciting through play and games. ChatGPT is also a hot topic, of course. In some of the workshops, we will share the results of the survey that asked teachers about their experiences with ChatGPT last semester.’ The survey is still open.
Drinks, chat and closing
The afternoon will end with drinks. ‘You will then have the chance to chat informally with the other participants over snacks and drinks,’ says Benjamins. ‘This is also a great way to end the academic year with your colleagues, as the Fair takes place just before the summer holidays.’ The full programme lasts from 13.00-18.00, but if you’re unable to attend for the whole afternoon, you can register for each part separately.
Victor Gijsbers will be participating in the session on ChatGPT
‘I’m going to say a little about the proliferation of AI models that’s happening now, the consequences this has for regulation and detection, and the ways in which we – as exam boards and teachers – might be able to deal with it. We have to assume, for example, that AI models can be trained in all sorts of ways, which ultimately makes it pointless to try and detect ‘typical’ features of ChatGPT, say, using software-based or manual approaches. Because detection in this sense does not seem possible, as teachers we will have to look for assessment methods that can’t be affected by the use of AI. The most obvious ones would then be on-campus assessments, of course, although at the moment some longer writing assignments are also still beyond the ability of the “AI”. In Philosophy, we’ve already simply stopped using take-home exams.’