3 reasons why you shouldn’t miss ‘Interdisciplinary Collaborations – Food, Sustainability & Health’
On Friday June 2, the Liveable Planet event 'Interdisciplinary Collaborations - Food, Sustainability & Health' will take place. Here, researchers can learn everything about how to set up successful interdisciplinary collaborations. Why should you attend this event? We’ll give you three reasons.
- Get advice on how to set up interdisciplinary collaboration from experienced researchers Jessica Kiefte-de Jong, professor and head of research at Leiden University Medical Centre, and Paul Behrens, Assistant Professor at the institute of Environmental Sciences and 2023 Frontiers Planet Prize winner.
- Be introduced to the 2023-2024 interdisciplinary starter grants (KIEM-beurzen) for early career researchers and ask questions to projectleader Caroline de Ruijter.
- Take the opportunity to meet and exchange with other sustainability researchers in the Liveable Planet network over (free) drinks.
The conversation will be led by moderators Eefje Cuppen (Professor at FGGA, Director of Rathenau Institute) and Annemiek de Looze (PhD Candidate at FGGA, Young Liveable Planet), and will go into our speakers’ experiences in setting up interdisciplinary collaboration, resulting in several interdisciplinary outputs, i.e. a book chapter, a journal article, and shared grant applications. The goal of this meeting is to learn from first hand interdisciplinary experiences of Leiden’s researchers, and to inspire new collaborations. The event followed by an opportunity to meet people in the network over drinks.
Date: Friday June 2, 15.30- 17.00
Location: Van Steenis-building, room F1.04
Register for this event
For more information see the event page