Two Leiden professors appointed KNAW members
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) announced on 25 April that it has appointed 18 new members. These include Leiden professors Andrew Webb and Jos Raaijmakers.
KNAW members are distinguished academics from all disciplines who are chosen for their outstanding academic achievements.
Andrew Webb
Andrew Webb is Professor of Radiology at Leiden University and founder/director of the Gorter MRI Center at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). Webb is an expert on MRI, a medical imaging technique that uses powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to see inside the human body. He has developed techniques to improve the image quality and maximise the information content.
Webb’s specific field of research is developing simpler, smarter, more sustainable MRI machines that are also accessible to developing countries or can be used in small care institutions, thus increasing the impact of this technology. He takes an open science approach to developing entirely new MRI machines that use small, powerful permanent magnets instead of the traditional superconducting ones. A new version of this MRI device has been built in Uganda and there are plans to build many more in other low and middle income countries.
Jos Raaijmakers
Jos Raaijmakers, Head of the NIOO KNAW Department of Microbial Ecology and Professor of Microbial Interactions and Diversity, is a pioneer in the plant microbiome. Various microorganisms that live in plant tissue can help the host plant fight pathogenic moulds and parasites. To gain insight into these complex interactions Raaijmakers uses new sequencing technologies and develops innovative strategies to reduce excessive pesticide use. His research contributes to sustainable food production and a more circular society.
Life membership
The KNAW has around 600 members. Membership is for life. The new members will be installed on Monday 30 October.