LACDR Spring symposium 2023
It was great to welcome so many people at the LACDR Spring symposium on the 4th of April 2023. The meeting started with an inspiring lecture of Dr. Mustafa Diken (Bioentech) on the evolution of mRNA vaccines. Afterwards, PhD speakers from LACDR, LIC and CHDR gave presentations on a wide range of pharma-related topics, with the goal to select the contestant for the National PhD Competition during the Dutch Medicine Days. In two poster session, all PhD candidates of LACDR were presenting their research, which gave a good inside in the research topics of LACDR. The day was pleasantly chaired by Prof. dr. Matthias Barz and we ended with drinks & bites.
We would like to congratulate the winner of the PhD competition region Leiden, Maurits Vissers. He is doing his research at CHDR. Also congratulations to the runner up Fernando Lozano Vigario, PhD candidate at LACDR.
The jury of the poster competition was impressed by the high quality of the posters and pitches. Therefore, compliments to all presenters and congratulations to the winners of the PhD poster competition:
• Olga Snip (SPP)
• Dongdong Bi (BT)
• Marinda van der Kuijl (SPP)
• Gabriela Schäfer (BT)
• Khaled Essa (DDS)
• Helle van den Maagdenberg (DDS)
• Yuchen Guo (SPP)
• Anagha Daniel Gaikwad (DDS)
• Merys Valdez (MAC)
We are proud of so much talent within our institute.