Faculty of Archaeology ranks 6th in QS World University Ranking
It is the seventh year in a row that the Faculty of Archaeology is placed in the top ten of archaeological institutes worldwide. The QS World University Rankings by Subject looks at criteria like academic reputation and citation ratios.

Rankings in times of corona
Dean Jan Kolen is pleased with the Faculty's high score in the QS World University Ranking: 'We are, of course, incredibly proud of this high ranking. It is now the fourth consecutive year that we have risen in the ranking, and we are once again in good company with other renowned archaeological and anthropological institutions in the UK and US.'
Reaching a high score in prestigious rankings like the QS World University Ranking can only be a group effort. 'This is of course an encouragement to all those early career researchers and new faculty members - all those talents who are currently developing their own line of research and making high-quality contributions to our teaching programmes,' Kolen states. 'But it is also the time to give heart to our support staff, with their great expertise in management, organisation, HR and research and teaching policies.'
The Faculty's international reputation can also be very interesting for students. 'I invite all prospective master's students from both the Netherlands as well as abroad to take a good look at our MA, MSc and research master's programmes before continuing their studies. In Leiden, they can benefit from frontline research developments. Our high position also reflects on our students!'
Output and reputation
The QS Ranking by Subject is based on academic output and reputation. For years now, the Faculty has been among the Top 10 in the World Ranking, along with the archaeological and anthropological institutions of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Berkeley, Stanford, UCL and Durham, among others. In the past decade, our Faculty has consistently been ranked as the highest-qualified institute outside the US and UK.
In short: an absolute top performance!