Successful On-Campus Master’s Experience Day: ‘It will help me to make a good choice’
The Faculty of Humanities’ On-Campus Master’s Experience Day was a pleasantly busy event. The information sessions and corresponding information market went down well with interested undergraduates.
The information market in the Lipsius Building on Friday 17 March, where all our Humanities master’s programmes were represented, attracted many visitors. Each stand was staffed by current students, ready to answer questions from undergraduates aiming to choose a programme. At the same time, in-depth presentations were held at other places in the building.

Visitors liked the way the event was organised; for example, undergraduates Luna and Niell, who came especially for Latin American Studies. ‘I gained a lot of information from current students and their experiences of the study programme. That will help me to make a good choice,’ says Luna. Whereas Luna is now more sure about her choice of study, Niell is still keeping his options open. ‘I listened carefully to the students at the information market and will now think about what will work out best for me.’

Randy is another visitor who feels that he now has a better idea about what he will study next. ‘I’m now considering the combination of Asian Studies and Critical Heritage Studies, because I’m interested in both Asian cultures and cultural heritage,’ he explains. ‘It’s great that I could talk about the curriculum with people who are actually doing the programme, because they’re the ones who can say most about how it all works in practice.’

Another advantage of the On-Campus Master’s Experience Day was the opportunity to sample the atmosphere in advance. ‘The campus atmosphere here is excellent,’ says Chayenne. She came with her friend and fellow student Dagmar to find out about the Journalism and New Media programme. ‘We did a Media and Journalism minor last year and really enjoyed it. That’s why we’re here today to see what it’s like,’ says Dagmar. ‘It was very helpful to be at the information session. I was able to ask a lot of questions, to both teachers and students.’
Did you miss the On-campus Master's experience? Watch the programme presentations here.