Regilme wins a 2022 Human Rights Publication Accolade from American Sociological Association
Salvador Santino Regilme received Honorable Mention for the 2022 Best Scholarly Article Award from the Sociology of Human Rights Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). He won for his paper “Visions of Peace Amidst a Human Rights Crisis: War on Drugs in Colombia and the Philippines”, published in 2021 by the Journal of Global Security Studies (Oxford University Press).

His award-winning paper asks the following questions: How do state leaders justify their respective “war on drugs”? How do they construct and discursively articulate ideals of peace in the context of the illegal drug problem? The paper compares the post-9/11 Colombian war on drugs (2002–2010) vis-à-vis the Philippine war on drugs under the Duterte administration (2016–2019), particularly in terms of how their presidential administrations articulate “peace” in the context of resolving the drug problem. The paper examines the varying discourses of peace, investigates how those local discourses relate to global discourses on peace and illegal drugs, and underscores how and under which conditions those peace discourses portray the material distributive conflicts in those societies.
As a multidisciplinary International Relations scholar, Regilme is the first Dutch academic to win a human rights-oriented publication accolade from the ASA. Founded in 1905, the ASA is currently the world’s largest professional association of sociologists. ASA’s mission is to advance sociology as a scientific discipline and as a profession serving the public good.