Kicking off with preparations for new academic year of education
On 24 January, the Education Kick Off took place in PLNT: the perfect opportunity for teachers and course coordinators to get inspired and informed for the education of the new academic year. The general state of affairs around education was discussed and two thematic sessions offered in-depth insights on new testing methods and course learning angles.
Dominique Sluijsmans of "Toetsrevolutie" took the participants through the possibilities of formative assessments during her inspirational session. Motivated students who take more control over their learning process, improved performance, reduced performance pressure, and less testing are just a few of the many promises of formative assessments.
In the following learning objectives session, a new curriculum tool was introduced which makes the coherence of our education visible. Anthea Aerts of ICLON showed in a practical manner how making course learning objectives more explicit can contribute to strengthening the coherence in the programs.