Elevating education: two teachers share their SKO experience
This month, ten teachers received a Senior Qualification Education (SKO), including Marcellus Ubbink and Daan van der Es from our faculty. Why did they go through the process of getting qualified, and should all teachers have an SKO?
What motivated you to go for an SKO?
Daan: 'I enjoy thinking about good education with other teachers. But the more I talked to other people, the more I came to the conclusion that it varies per teacher how they can provide the best education. During the SKO process, I was able to delve deeper into different methods and had to put into words what works best for me.'
Marcellus: 'Teaching is essential. And it's important that we keep developing the curriculum, because we need to keep up with the times. The SKO helps me think about cross-curricular education innovation. And with this new experience, I can also enthuse other colleagues to think more deeply about the education they provide.'
Want to attain an SKO?
Are you a senior teacher and do you play an active role in the development and innovation of teaching? Then you are eligible for the Senior Teaching Qualification.
More about the SKO-trackWhat do students notice now that you are 'senior qualified'?
Marcellus: 'During the SKO, you formulate a vision of what you want students to learn from you. That obviously helps you when you are in front of the class. You are better able to evaluate how students develop over the course of your lectures. That is something that students can benefit from directly.'
Daan: 'When more people get their SKO, a community is created that can think about education on a higher level together. For example, how we can teach everyone based on their individual needs. I think that's when we'll really make a tangible difference for students. But for that you need a critical mass, it can't be done by just one person.'
Should all teachers attain an SKO then?
Marcellus: 'No, I don't think so. Some people have a lot of passion for education and find purpose in developing it further. Others are all about research and mainly get a lot of grants, and that is also important. Let everyone do what they are good at, but a few SKO-certified teachers would be nice.'
Daan: 'Furthermore, you can already engage with the SKO goals without directly doing the track. Take a look at what the requirements of the SKO are and formulate your own education vision. Talk with other colleagues who teach about it. That can already be very educational in a easily accessible way.'