ULLA workshop – summer school - courses
We are proud partner of the ULLA. It is the European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences in which LACDR participates for already 30 years. We have the honor to host the ULLA workshop in 2023 and the ULLA summer school in 2024.
Workshop 2023
In 2023, the theme of the 3-days ULLA workshop is ‘Stem cell therapy – from basics to ATMPs’ and will be held from 2 – 5 July 2023 in Leiden. We are pleased that Prof. dr. Micha Drukker will be the chair of the scientific program, assisted by Dr. Willem Jespers. The call for interest is announced already.
Summer school 2024
The ULLA summer school will take place in July 2024. We expect 200 participants from the 10 European partner universities (London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris, Helsinki, Parma, Leuven, Uppsala, Geneva and Leiden). We have set up an organizing committee for the scientific part and a committee for the social part. Preparations are well underway.
The first ULLA online course is reality. The registration is opened for the online course ‘Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery’, running from March 6 to April 21 2023. This course will be taught entirely online and will introduce participants to the use of AI in early drug discovery. The registration mail is already sent.
More information on ULLA can be found at the ULLA website: https://ullapharmsci.org
If you have any question about the ULLA or the one of the events, please contact Sharon Broekhof or Ivonne Koomen.