LACDR Fall Symposium 2022
On November 1, the LACDR Fall Symposium took place. After the symposium was opend by prof.dr. Hubertus Irth, the program started with a lecture called “Poly(2-oxazoline)s, structural chameleons in therapeutic delivery” given by key note speaker dr. Joachim van Guyse.

This lecture was followed by the lectures of dr. Willem Jespers: “Free energy calculations of G protein-coupled receptor modulation” and the lecture of dr. Ahmed Ali: “Single cell analysis, why bother?”
After the coffee break the symposium was continued by dr. Lu Su with the lecture “Supramolecular Systems: Fundamentals and Development of Condensate-modifying Therapeutics" which was followed by the lecture “Pharmacology modeling for improving patient treatment” given by dr. Tingjie Guo.
Suzanne Hovinga Award
The Suzanne Hovinga Award was awarded by dr. Elke Krekels to Scott Engels for the best Master Thesis in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Van Wersch Springboard Prize
After this, the Van Wersch Springboard Prize was awarded. This prize of €10,000 is awarded every other year to an outstanding scientific researcher with the best thesis in pharmaceutical research selected by a jury. This year it was awarded to Dr. Sebastiaan Goulooze for his thesis entitled: “Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the phamacodynamics of the analgesics. Tools of the trade.”. After a short speech of Mr. Leo van Wersch, the prize was handed out by Mr. Van Wersch, Prof.dr. Hubertus Irth and prof.dr. Koos Burggraaff, CEO of CHDR.
Overall we look back on a successful meeting and we would also like to thank the board members of Aesculapius for their help at this symposium.