HC Law students receive certificate at awards ceremony
After three years of hard work, the students of the Honours College Law received their certificates on 22 November at an awards ceremony held at Scheltema.
Coordinator Claudia Bouteligier: 'The students largely followed the honours college during the coronavirus pandemic. So this makes the certificate a double accolade for them. The corona period also demanded more from colleagues who taught the courses and had to switch from online to hybrid teaching.'
Despite the coronavirus period, a large number of students – 60 in total – successfully completed the course. To mark this achievement, they were rewarded at the festive awards ceremony which included a photobooth moment and drinks. Bouteligier: ‘Ultimately, this achievement is a joint effort by students and teachers.’
The awards ceremony was attended by Coordinator Claudia Bouteligier, Maartje van der Woude, Klaas Boonen and Marleen Fleer.