‘But how many bacteria live on my hands, then?’ Micro-day in photos
From 22 to 24 October, researchers of the MARBLES-project informed museum visitors about microbes: bacteria and fungi that live all around us. The event was organised around the Micro-day of Leiden, which is this year’s EU City of Science.
From 22 to 24 October, researchers of the MARBLES-project informed museum visitors about microbes: bacteria and fungi that live all around us. The event was organised around the Micro-day of Leiden, which is this year’s EU City of Science.
See and experience
Visitors could participate in several activities. With both a replica of a Van Leeuwenhoek-microscope, and a modern microscope, people could look at different insect- and bacteria plates. And by pressing their fingers on agar plates, on which bacteria grow quickly, visitors experimented with the importance of washing your hands.
Photo: Fred Ernst -
Photo: Fred Ernst -
Photo: Fred Ernst -
Photo: Fred Ernst -
Photo: Rob Oudshoorn -
How well do you wash your hands? -
Photo: Fred Ernst -
Bacterial colonies on the agar plate of Diede, after two days of growing. -
A microscopy quiz for the real experts. -
Photo: Fred Ernst
The exhibition is organised by researchers of the MARBLES-project. This is a €7,5 million, five-year project. It will develop new methods for sustainable collection and use of biological resources from marine environments and assess their commercial potential. The researchers are studying marine microbes and the compounds they produce to assess their potential to replace environmentally harmful chemicals and medicines to help fight diseases in fish, food crops and humans. On the website of MARBLES, more information about the project can be found.