Brand new specialisation ‘Digitalisation, Data and Governance’ launched during the Bachelor Open Day
The new specialisation Digitalisation, Data and Governance (DDG) that is part of the Bachelor Public Administration will start in September 2023. This specialisation focusses on the connection between technology and the world of public administration. There are numerous opportunities for the government and public organisations to better shape their administrations by making clever use of digital resources and big data.
Students with an interest in public administration will now be able to choose between three different specialisations. Creating more profundity for additional fields of interest. The DDG specialisation is a good choice for students who are interested in the digital world around us as well as in societal challenges and who would like to really make a difference. Lecturer Sander Kieboom: ‘we want to teach students in the DDG specialisation to speak the language of the digital world, but also provide students with insights in how data can be interpreted and used responsibly by governments.’ Teaching professionals to be able to make a connection between digitalisation and other administrative aspects is more relevant now than ever.
‘We want to teach students in the DDG specialisation to speak the language of the digital world, but also provide students insight in how data can be interpreted and used responsibly by governments.’
Bachelor Open Day
The specialisation was presented to aspiring students, parents, and other interested parties during the Bachelor Open Day on Saturday 22 October. Lecturer Brecht Weerheijm: ‘During the open day there was a lot of interest for the DDG specialisation. We are also receiving signals from the government and corporate businesses that there is a shortage of professionals who are able to bridge the gap between the digital and the physical world.’
The Hague Centre for Digital Governance
Maarja Beerkens, Educational Director at the Institute of Public Administration is also enthusiastic about the launch of the new specialisation: ‘Digital Governance is a rapidly growing field of expertise within our Institute. With our The Hague Centre for Digital Governance we have become a prominent centre for high quality research and extensive collaboration networks within this field over the last few years. The specialisation Digitalisation, Data and Governance is an excellent opportunity to share the expertise and connections with a new generation of public administration students who are interested in the changes and challenges of the digital era.’