Universiteit Leiden

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Let's meet the HR-team of Faculty of Law

Over the last few years, Leiden Law School has grown considerably, and the same goes for the HR team. As a result, there is now a … HR team of eight colleagues. We like to take the time to tell you what we as HR team are currently working on and introduce our team members to you.

HR topics

With the implementation of the Leiden University Strategic Plan 2022 -2027. There are a number of important topics on the HR agenda. Think of talent development, work fulfilment, leadership, respect and dignity, diversity and inclusion. The HR team advises managers on the development of the organization as a whole, the institutes, central services, and departments as well as individual employees. In both research and teaching, collegiality and collaboration are very important. By working to combine the various motivations and competences of employees to form a coherent whole.

Pilots and projects

With this in mind, we are about to start a pilot project R&O (results & development) that will focus more on the development of employees and their role within the team. Having to work from home has made working (together) more difficult in all kinds of ways. But it has also made it easier for a lot of people. How can we shape hybrid working so that we continue to be able to find each other, work together to provide the best education, and have the quiet space needed to conduct excellent research?


Together with our colleagues from Finance, we advise department heads on recruitment and selection of new co-workers, their salaries, prolongations, promotions, terminations of contracts, and during conflict and illness. We also provide strategic advice regarding the development of the department’s workforce since people are the cornerstone on which our organisation is built.

HR and department Personnel

Just to clarify the difference between HR and the department Personnel of ASSC: the department Personnel is in charge of the personnel administration of the University. For all administrative questions regarding your salary, leave or changes in your appointment, please contact the department Personnel.

Get in touch with HR

During the next few months, we, the HR team, will be organising a number of initiatives and activities to get in touch with you. We will highlight certain topics in the newsletter, and we will be starting a walk-in consultation session for employees. More information will follow soon.


Who is who?

Marijn Stipdonk
A familiar face for many at the Faculty. Over the last few years, I have been advising a number of institutes and central services as HR advisor. Now, I will be focussing more on a number of coordinating HR advice tasks, the daily supervision of the HR advisors, and a number of projects. You can come to me to talk about topics such as Acknowledgement and Appreciation, assessment (R&O), teacher development, Learning & Development, and leadership. For instance, I am currently working on the pilot for a revised P&D that will start in November. I also make sure our new HR employees receive a good introduction. Together with our team, I am working on our internal communications, and I will be advising the HR team and managers on leadership issues. Feel free to drop by if you would like to know more!

Pauline Vincenten
I have been working as HR advisor for the Institute of Public Law, the Institute for Private Law and the Institute for Tax Law and Economics since 1 February 2022. I really enjoy working here and being able to collaborate with managers and administrators on creating HR strategies. Especially on how we can prioritise the wellbeing and development of our employees and departments while working within the constraints of a limited financial budget and the tight labour market.

My experiences over the past six year as Project leader at the Europe Institute (Public Law) and the Van Vollenhoven Institute (Metajuridica) have taught me how good it is to work in an international environment that encourages you to be your unique self and make mistakes.

As a strategic advisor, I prefer to work with the harmony model. I believe it is important that every voice is heard, and everyone feels welcome. After my study in Politics (with a minor in philosophy) I completed the master Gender and Ethnicity, specialising in diversity policy. I had a great time studying in Leiden. But it would have been so much nicer to have known a lesbian or homosexual teacher to show me ‘You can be someone like that, and simply have a nice life!’ I look forward to coordinating the faculty policy on diversity and inclusion in collaboration with D&I Coordinator Susanne Deen and the focus group D&I.

Lisette Furst
I have been working at the Leiden Law School as HR advisor since 1 June and I am the contact person for the Institute Metajuridica. I also work on projects that are a follow up on the ambitions that have been formulated in the Strategic Plan. For instance: Acknowledgement & Appreciation, Career development and Mobility, Work pressure/Work fulfilment and Professionalisation HR within the University. I am currently working on the pilot for the revised P&D that will start in November. The first months at this wonderful faculty have been enlightening and I have received a warm welcome from all of you! I look forward to travelling from The Hague to the beautiful city centre of Leiden each day and get a lot of energy from being able to contribute to the issues that are currently ongoing within the Faculty. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the HR themes I have just mentioned, or other matters, feel free to stop by!

Gertia Knorr
As Department Head, I am in charge of setting and implementing the HR agenda in collaboration with the HR team. Together, we take on projects that have been derived from the strategic agenda. A good example is the pilot for the P&D interviews, but also the attention for personal development and talent development.

Susanne Deen
Works in the field of Diversity and Inclusion for both students and employees. For the latter, she is part of the HR team. We will focus more on Susanne and her Diversity and Inclusion theme in an upcoming ‘Let’s meet….. article’.

Margreet de Lange
I have been working as part of the HR staff since 1 February. Back to the place where I once started at working at Leiden Law School.
As member of the HR staff, I am the contact person for Institute coordinators and the PSSC for personnel appointments and mutations. I also prepare vacancies for publication and am in charge of the sick leave registration. Colleagues can come to me for questions regarding various HR topics such as leave, absence, and P&D.

Erik de Vries
Erik is part of the HR team as policy officer. His focus is on the tasks surrounding Professor promotions and the various aspects of deploying colleagues abroad. Erik is currently unavailable, and the team has taken over his tasks for the time being.

Let’s connect webinar

In the context of the personal development and talent development, we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Let’s connect webinar on 13 October: Open communication in academia: what is it exactly, and how do you do it?

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