Festive opening Faculty Year in the Hortus
The Faculty of Humanities has made a festive start to the academic year. On 7 September, staff members were able to meet each other at a drinks party in the Hortus botanicus.
Students had been welcomed with syrup waffles and popcorn during the day, and at the end of the afternoon, Dean Mark Rutgers officially welcomed all the staff. In his speech, he looked back on the previous academic year, which was still defined by the 'grey veil of corona'. Although he had some reservations about the autumn, Rutgers emphasised that Leiden and The Hague are 'alive' again because of the in-person education that has started again.
With regard to the coming academic year, Rutgers pointed out the further development of several plans. ‘First of all, there is the Faculty Strategic Plan that was adopted last summer. Many people contributed to the plan and helped with the writing of it, so I think we have a good plan. But now we have to implement it,' he said. The situation regarding the sector plans is more uncertain. Rutgers outlined that a lot of hard work has already been done, but that it is still difficult to ‘clearly formulate the plans and keep them on track.' He emphasised that he believes the resources are hugely important, because they can offer some relief from the pressure of work.
Teaching Prize
After welcoming the new assessor, it was time for the presentation of the Faculty Teaching Prize. Associate Professor Astrid Van Weyenberg won this year's award for the best teacher.