Mia Thomaïdou with Rubicon grant for research to US
Mia Thomaïdou wants to investigate how criminal courts understand and use the increased knowledge of human behavior. Her Rubicon grant allows for two years of research at the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice. Leiden behavioral scientist Thomaïdou will be living in New York, where as part of the Rubicon project she will be interviewing professional judges.

Lost in translation: Building a bridge between science and law
M. A. Thomaidou MSc, Leiden University -> United States -> Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice -> 24 months
'Scientific research on human behavior continues to advance, but how do criminal courts understand and use such knowledge? This project aims to identify how biases and misconceptions about biology and behavior influence interpretations of scientific evidence in courts. To improve the ‘translation’ of science, we compare Dutch and American judges.'
NWO - Rubicon grant
Mia Thomaïdou is one of the fifteen researchers who have recently received their PhDs who can do their research at foreign research institutes thanks to a Rubicon grant from NWO. The Rubicon programme gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience.
Fifteen talented, young scientists go to foreign institutions with Rubicon grant