Jorrit Rijpma presents study to European Parliament
Jorrit Rijpma, Professor of European Law, together with Greek independent researcher Apostolis Fotiadis, investigated the European Commission’s enforcement powers in relation to fundamental rights compliance at Europe’s external borders. The study was commissioned and funded by the Greens Group of the European Parliament.
Rijpma and Fotiadis presented their research to the European Parliament on Thursday 30 June, together with MEP Tineke Strik (left in the photo) and a representative from the department for migration and interior affairs (DG HOME) of the European Commission.
In addition to the aforementioned enforcement powers of the Commission, the study looks in particular at Member States' funding instruments for the management of immigration, asylum and external borders. The study shows that Member States that bar refugees at Europe's external borders are not eligible for additional European money earmarked for asylum and migration issues, because so-called pushbacks violate fundamental rights.