Humanities Campus Think Tank: learning from the work environment in the Arsenaal
Ten participants and two observers from the Faculty Council and the University Council attended the third and final meeting of the Humanities Campus Think Tank.
Following a briefing on the amended agenda, there was a guided tour of the renovated Arsenaal building, where colleagues are already sharing rooms and the available space is being used efficiently.
The meeting’s agenda was amended in consultation with the Dean, Mark Rutgers. The previous Think Tank meetings provided sufficient food for thought, but since there is still a long way to go to until many colleagues can actually experience the new Humanities Campus and work environment themselves, the Think Tank members felt that there was a greater need for information about the situation at their ‘own’ institute. For this reason, Mark Rutgers has scheduled visits to each of the institutes, four of which have already taken place.
The Arsenaal’s work environment as an example
We concluded the Think Tank meetings with a tour of the Arsenaal. LUCAS’s accommodation is almost on a par with the new workplace norm, but in the future, it will have to relinquish some of its space. The layout of the work environment is a good example of the smart use of space and of the mutual agreements that have been made. Here you can read about the experiences that LUCAS staff shared with the Think Tank members as well as what they themselves observed. Other institutes can learn from this when thinking about how to design their own work environment.
The Think Tank members were also asked to share the information about the work environment and their experiences of the tours of the various buildings within their institute

What happens next?
Each institute has a different time schedule and task, because of the phased construction. The Dean, Mark Rutgers, has already visited the Institute Councils of LIAS, LUCAS, Philosophy and ACPA to give a presentation and to answer questions. Visits to History and LUCL are scheduled to take place after the summer.
Results first and second meeting Humanities Campus Think Tank
The first meeting of the Think Tank concluded that the insitute's identity is key in the new work environment. Read more about the first meeting.
The second meeting stressed that institutes need to discuss work environment layout with staff members. Read more about the second meeting.