Research Conference Institute of Public Administration
On Thursday 2 June, the research conference for academic staff members of the Institute of Public Administration took place at the Beeld en Geluid venue in The Hague. The aim of the conference was to showcase the ongoing research conducted at the Public Administration and explore the potential for more scientific collaborations within the Institute.
Over the past two years, there has been little opportunity to get together because of the pandemic. This conference was a great way for all academic staff members to meet up once more in person and also to meet new staff members who have joined the department during the last two years. The conference was divided into two sections. During the first section, ongoing published and, as yet, unpublished research was presented and discussed and during the second section, brainstorm sessions were held to come up with new research projects and collaborations within the department.
Participants started the day with a lunch after which Scientific Director Bernard Steunenberg held an opening presentation. Bram Klievink and Sandra Groeneveld subsequently presented their research programme on studying and improving public governance regarding complex societal issues. The staff members were asked to answer two questions and two dilemmas to help with their research. Then, the group split up in three panels where researchers presented their ongoing research. After each presentation fellow researchers were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback on the research.
In the afternoon, the groups got together again for a brainstorm session consisting of a series of parallel working tables. Members of the academic staff were invited to creatively explore answers to these two questions: (i) What are the two research topics that have the potential to trigger new relevant collaborations within the Institute and especially across the different theme groups? and (ii) How can we put these collaborations in motion? Each table then presented the findings of these sessions to the whole group.
After a final presentation by Bernard Steunenberg, the conference came to an end. Over drinks afterwards it soon became apparent how much academic staff member had missed getting together like this during the pandemic.