Keep track of the things you save: FGGA's data experts are here to help
Can you account for all the information and data in your possession? How do you deal with personal information? What do you do if there is a data breach? How do you save your data and are you aware of the regulations you need to adhere to while doing so? Where do you go if you are having ICT problems and the Helpdesk is unable to help you? Astrid Gravenbeek and Wouter Kool have the answers to all these questions. Get to know the Data Protection Officer and Information Manager of our Faculty.

Each Tuesday, you will be able to find them in one of the Faculty Bureau offices on the fifth floor at Wijnhaven. Astrid Gravenbeek and Wouter Kool. They would like to invite everybody to stop by for advice and to get to know them. Astrid works as Data Protection Officer at our Faculty on Tuesdays and during the rest of the week at Archeology and University Central. Astrid: 'The Data Protection Officer is responsible for everything to do with personal data in relation to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). I offer advice and assistance when it comes to solving privacy issues and implementing privacy into processes. I also assist researchers to mak sure that personal information is adequately protected. When a data breach has occurred, it is also my job to investigate the personal information part. Has your laptop been stolen? You can expect to receive a phone call from me to see if personal information has been leaked.'

Versatile position
Wouter Kool is the Information Manager at FGGA. A versatile position. Wouter: 'I'm the link between our Faculty, the ISSC, and the central information management department. So, policy on the one hand and on the other executing those policies. At FGGA, I implement the central policies and at central and the ISSC, I represent the interests of FGGA.'
There is one thing that Wouter would like to make abundantly clear: 'I'm not the first point of contact for all computer related problems. That is the Helpdesk. You can get in touch with me, however, if the Helpdesk is unable to assist you. If things take too long or if you believe that issues aren't being addressed properly, I'm always able to help out.'
Data management guru
Wouter is also active on the research side of things, since 1 February, he has also added research data management to his job description. 'This means that I'm able to answer all questions researchers might have about data management. I will be collaborating with the Research Support Office that is currently being established, which will include, for instance, an advisor on funding and a policy officer research. I also review the data management plans for researchers and offer advice.'
'We're not here to act as the data police, but we would like to see that each department documents the data they collect, for how long they plan to save it, and that they stick to those agreements.'
Be able to account for your data
The data experts are on a mission: get it inside all our heads that we should be able to account for the data we have in our possession. Astrid: 'The University should be able to acount for al the data it has in its possession. Which is why it is important to keep track of the data you save. We're here to help.' Wouter adds: 'The GDPR is about workflows. It doesn't necessarily address what is and isn't allowed. We're not here to act as the data police, but we would like to see that each department documents the data they collect, for how long they plan to save it, and that they stick to those agreements. It's our job to assist in that process and to create awareness.' Astrid: 'It's also about transparency. What does the University do with your data? And about creating a certain vigilance with employees so that they know when they sould call for assistance.'
Cleaning Day 28 June
A first step is the open-door policy Wouter and Astrid have created and will continue each Tuesday. On Tuesday 28 June, they are also organising a Cleaning Day. Everybody will surely be familiar with this, especially with all the working from hoem. Data and files have been saved willy-nilly and you simply do not have the time to delete or archive them. The Cleaning Day is a good moment to change this. Astrid: 'Which data has been stored on your laptop? What do you do with your data? Savin only wat you actually need is a fine art. By organizing the Cleaning Day, we hope to get a better insight in all the data we collect. Wouter and I will be here the entire day to answer questions.'