Exchange and inspiration at the Education Showcase
On Friday 20 May, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., approximately sixty lecturers met at the Faculty Club for the 2022 Education Showcase.
![Click here for the Education Showcase magazine](/binaries/content/gallery/ul2/main-images/humanities/gedeelde-content/2022/06/onderwijsparade-poster-20220621.png/onderwijsparade-poster-20220621.png/d390xvar)
There was a market with information stands and a workshop programme on a variety of topics: from meditation and the use of translation engines, to finding the right attitude as a professional and activating forms of work. ‘It was really inspiring, as always.’
For a full report of the evening, see this magazine (in Dutch).
Annebeth Simonsz, organiser of the Education Showcase: ‘I saw that lecturers really enjoyed meeting in person once again after the long pandemic period when we could only see each other on screen. Lecturers talked with one another and shared their experiences, not only of innovative teaching methods, but also of the things they struggled with: we certainly achieved the Education Showcase’s objective: ‘for lecturers by lecturers’!
In the autumn of 2021, the Education Showcase unfortunately had to be cancelled because of COVID-19. Luckily, the afternoon on inspiring educational innovation for lecturers could take place this spring. We expect the Education Showcase will be organised some time in 2023.
For the programme and the workshop presentations, see here
Round 1
- Daily dose of mindfulness | Marleen Zwetsloot | Presentation
- Walk the talk - Werken met Things That Talk | Fresco Sam-Sin | Presentation
- Een nieuwe leerlijn met een interactief handboek | Isabelle Duyvesteyn
- No more Rage against the Machine - Understanding the Value of Machine Translation in Higher Education | Lettie Dorst
- Finding your Posture as an Academic Professional | Anna Tijseling
- Teaching in a digital environment: the necessity for the development of the media lab | Mirjam de Bruijn en Federica Notari | Presentation
- Challenging the curriculum - towards a structural conversation on inclusivity and diversity | Arthur Crucq and Daphne van Houwelingen | Presentation: part 1 and part 2
- Activerende werkvormen voor Generatie Z | Tim Vergeer | Presentation
- The use of Project Based Learning in Language Courses | Hossam Ahmed
Note: Not everyone was able to share their PowerPoint presentations.
The following topics were presented at the market:
- Inclusiever onderwijs bij de opleiding Geschiedenis (BA) | Ariadne Schmidt | Poster
- De activerende Podcast Methode - zelfstandig leren door gebruik van digitale technieken | Astrid Van Weyenberg en Nathalie Muffels | Poster
- Kennisclips gemaakt door studenten – geeft meer verdieping tijdens college | Thomas Vorisek| Poster
- A knowledge investment that pays off! - Results of the Job Market Research among Humanities alumni | Loes Nordlohne | Poster | Presentation Job Market Research
- All eyes and ears: visueel en auditief materiaal voor digitale toetsen en onder-zoeksbevorderende leeractiviteiten | Paz Gonzalez | Poster
- Vaksteunpunten Nederlands en Moderne Vreemde Talen - Versterken verbinding tussen vo en wo | Esther Op de Beek en Alisa de Haar | Poster
- Bronnencommunities: Middeleeuwse paleografie | Robert Stein | Poster
- Do’s and dont’s in Digitaal Talenonderwijs | Ferdinand Harmsen | Poster
- Transforming Listening Activities into Interactive Video Quizzes | Mohamed Amin Mostafa | Poster
- Things That Talk | Studentredactie | Poster
- VLOM (Visual Literacy Online Module) – Een interactieve website voor zelfstudie | Helen Westgeest | Poster
- Serious Game - Uhuru: The Wicked Game | Madi Ditmars | Poster
- Transfer-IT - Transferable skills and knowlegde in Italian Studies | Carmen van den Bergh | Poster
- Onderwijsvernieuwing: Lu-talk, Blog, Video Essay | Astrid Van Weyenberg, Nathalie Muffels en Yasco Horsman | Poster