Cultural Anthropology and Healthy Society
A Healthy Society is one of the main pillars of the Leiden Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences' Strategic Plan. A Healthy Society is concerned with the creation, implementation, and evaluation of broad societal solutions to improve health and well-being and reduce health inequities. Colleagues from the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences work on a variety of topics that contribute to a healthy society. Erik Bähre, Tessa Minter and Natashe Lemos Dekker presented their work during the Healthy Society Event on 9 June 2022.

Natashe Lemos Dekker - Ethnographic research on palliative care and ageing in Brazil
Natashe Lemos Dekker showed her research project in which she focusses on how palliative care is provided and accessed in Brazil. She aims to understand the experiences of older adults and how they navigate formal and informal health care structures.

Erik Bähre - Healthy institutions, healthy relations, healthy diversities
Erik Bähre talked about how this 'Healthy Society' event is an opportunity to connect with others and showcase the work we are doing at CADS. To share how we study and teach about healthy and not-so-healthy societies across the globe; how structures and institutions can support ánd hurt people’s health and wellbeing; and why people understand what ‘healthy society’ is or should be in sometimes radically different ways.

Tessa Minter – Impacts of industrial timber extraction on health and nutrition
Tessa Minter talked about the impacts of industrial timber extraction on health and nutrition in forest-dependent communities. She showed a video of an interview she did with a woman in the Solomon Islands, who explains how logging operations affect mangrove forests, which are women’s main fishing grounds. Tessa’s research highlights the gendered nature of local health impacts of extractive industries.