35 students visit Leiden Law School for the Space Summer School
On 28 June, a group of 35 students (13 from Leiden) visited the law faculty as part of the Space Summer School, a 5-day course organised by the LDE Centre 'Space for Science and Society' and NL Space Campus.
This week the students are following a full programme with visits to universities, companies and ESA-ESTEC. They were welcomed to the faculty by Dean Joanne van der Leun.
She recalled the history of education in air and space law at our faculty, and spoke about the establishment of the International Institute of Air and Space Law in 1985 and the advanced master's degree in air and space law in 2000. She underlined the importance of interdisciplinary research and education, also within the space sector, and mentioned a number of activities in which the institute is involved, such as the EU H2020 project Spaceways and The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group. She was delighted that the LDE Centre 'Space for Science and Society' had organised this summer school and wished all students good luck and much fun.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan and Dimitra Stefoudi gave presentations on certain aspects of space law, such as space debris and space big data, and the visit ended with a Kahoot! in which all students enthusiastically competed.