A quick call about Service Centre International Staff
The Service Centre International Staff supports and advises all international staff at Leiden University. Not just about things like immigration, accommodation, taxes, insurance and dual career, but also about the social side of things like feeling welcome and at home at Leiden University. SCIS’s recent Spring Party on the sun-drenched terrace of the Faculty Club was a hit. We were eager to hear all about it and about what staff can expect from SCIS, so we called Marlon van Leeuwen.
Marlon, why was the Spring Party so popular? What was there to do?
It was the first time that we could get together in a large group again. Over drinks and bitterballen new friendships were formed, details exchanged and selfies taken. Everyone was pleased to meet up live again. The subscription lists for our social activities filled up quickly too. We organise the Silent Disco tour, for example, and the Hortus tour, a city game in The Hague and the opportunity to create Dutch conversation groups.
What is your lasting memory of the party?
The enthusiasm about meeting other international colleagues and the willingness to welcome new people. The staff like to help other international colleagues have an easy social landing by participating in the Help a Fellow network.
What do you like about your work at SCIS?
Helping international staff find their way in our academic world. It is also nice to see how pleased they are with the help we give them with the bureaucracy involved in an international move.
What else can international colleagues expect in the coming months?
We’ll continue to be available via email and telephone to help them with all kinds of practical matters: from visas, taxes and housing to schools for their children and, of course, dual careers. But now the coronavirus crisis is over, we are also organising more and more social events. Anyone can stay tuned via our Facebook page and the SCIS newsletter, and staff can sign up for our mailing list for social activities. Contact us to find out more!
A call about
There is a lot happening within Leiden University. The websites are filled with news on a daily basis. In the section 'A call about' we ask one of our employees to tell us more about a relevant and topical subject within the university. The answers give you more insight into the facts, but above all give you more personal background information. What was fun or frustrating? What was remarkable? What was good and what was bad? You can read all about it in 'A call about'.