Jessica den Oudsten wins the eighth Uitgeverij Verloren/ Johan de Witt thesis award
Jessica den Oudsten won this year’s Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt thesis award for history with her master’s thesis, entitled "The descendants of Norwegian and Danish Immigrants". The prize was awarded for the eighth time in collaboration with Elsevier Weekblad. The incentive award went to Amber Souleymane (University of Groningen) for her bachelor’s thesis entitled "Het werk van een schilder" (The work of a painter).
Unanimous winner
The jury was unanimously of the opinion that ‘with her master’s thesis, the author made an important contribution to creating a better understanding of the complex process of integration in the Republic. The author sketched this theme in a smooth style and she elaborated on her research question in a clear and systematic manner. The scope of the source materials used is impressive and suggests a passion for extensive archive research that is of vital importance for solid historical research. This thesis is of a high academic standard.’
After jury Chair Dr Ineke Huysman read the jury report aloud, the winner was presented with the prize by Thys Verloren van Themaat, Director of Uitgeverij Verloren, and Arendo Joustra, Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier Weekblad. Amber Souleymane attended the event via the livestream and received congratulations online. The nominees had already been given feedback on their theses earlier.
About the award
Every year, the Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt history award is granted to the best bachelor’s and/or master’s thesis on the Dutch Republic in the 17th century. The purpose of the award is to stimulate historical research into this important time period. The winners are awarded prizes amounting respectively to €1500 and €200, a book package, a subscription to Elsevier Weekblad, and an annual membership to the Vrienden van De Witt Association.
In total, 10 theses were submitted this year. The jury consisted of Dr D. Onnekink (Utrecht University), Dr J. van der Steen (Leiden University), Dr D. van der Linden (University of Groningen), Dr R. Baars (Radboud University), Dr J. van Tol (University of Amsterdam), and Dr I. Huysman, Chair (Huygens ING-KNAW). The Secretary of the Jury was Dr L. de Jonge (Wageningen University).