Interview Bram Slütter
Bram Slütter

Bram Slütter
Associate Professor at the division of BioTherapeutics
Works at LACDR since:
I joined the LACDR staff in 2015, but from 2006-2010 I’ve also been a PhD student at the LACDR.
Works at LACDR because:
The LACDR is a unique institute at the crossroads of various disciplines. My colleagues are great and very supportive of my work. Next to that, thanks to our excellent bachelor and master program there are always enthusiastic students that are willing to contribute to our research.
Favorite childhood memory:
Our semi-organized family vacations with our VW bus. There is something exciting about not knowing where you’re going and what will happen. Not having a cellphone and having to rely on a long-wave radio receiver to get any news from home just adds to the nostalgia.
Best quality?
I am positive minded, honest and always put my team first on my priority list.
Worst quality?
I am not very detail oriented. I always let people proof-read my grant proposal to make sure there are no silly typo’s.
When I am off I:
Spend time with the kids, exercise.
Next scheduled holiday:
Not really a holiday, but this spring we (that is me and several colleagues from BioTherapeutics) are cycling from The Hague to Paris to raise money for the Dutch Heart Foundation. If you like to support that, I am sure we can put a link under this interview….
Favorite sport:
I play football (indoor) and squash and like to ride a racebike. My favorite sport to watch though is American Football, a great mix of strategy and athleticism.
Favorite movies:
I like a bit of dark humor in movies. Usually Quentin Tarantino provides just that.
My motto:
A motto sounds way to zealous for me. Even those who have organized their lives into the smallest detail, don’t know what life will throw at them next. Ok, here’s a try: Enjoy, but emphasize and adapt.