Ewine van Dishoeck receives Fritz Zwicky prize for astrophysics & cosmology
The Fritz Zwicky Prize 2022 for Astrophysics & Cosmology has been awarded to Prof. Ewine F. van Dishoeck for her pioneering, decades-long work in astrochemistry and molecular spectroscopy, as well as for her leadership within the astronomical community. The award was announced today by the European Astronomical Society (EAS).

Ewine van Dishoeck is Professor of Molecular Astrophysics at Leiden Observatory and affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany. After an MSc in theoretical quantum chemistry, she received her PhD in astrochemistry from Leiden University in 1984, and held positions at Harvard, Princeton and Caltech before returning to Leiden in 1990.
From 2007-2021 she was scientific director of the Dutch Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), and since 2009 she is co-Editor of Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics. From 2018-2021, van Dishoeck was President of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
She has received several prestigious awards, including the 2000 Dutch Spinoza Prize, the 2015 Albert Einstein World Award of Science, the 2018 Kavli Prize for Astrophysics and two ERC Advanced Grants. She is a member of several academies, including those of the Netherlands, the USA, Germany and Norway.
Understanding how molecules shape the universe around us
Van Dishoeck has dedicated her career to understanding how molecules shape the universe around us. With her unique and comprehensive approach, encompassing observations, laboratory studies and astronomical modelling, she has pioneered astrochemistry and revolutionised our understanding of the physical processes that lead to the formation of stars and planets by studying the trail of molecules, from star-forming clouds to protoplanetary disks.
In addition to her groundbreaking scientific work, Van Dishoeck is an active member of the astronomical community. She was one of the founders of a number of major observatories, on the ground and in space, such as ALMA, Herschel and Webb. Her scientific vision, leadership and political skills enabled her to play a key role in all phases of these projects. The trust the community has in her judgement is also reflected in her membership of ESA's decision-making bodies and of evaluation committees of top astronomy research institutes.
This message appeared as a press release on Astronomie.nl
Fritz Zwicky Prize for Astrophysics and Cosmology
The Fritz Zwicky Prize for Astrophysics and Cosmology is awarded biennially by the European Astronomical Society on behalf of the Fritz Zwicky Foundation (FZS) in recognition of scientists who have achieved fundamental and outstanding results in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology.
About the EAS
The European Astronomical Society (EAS) promotes and stimulates astronomy in Europe. As an independent body, the EAS can act on behalf of the European astronomical community in matters that need to be dealt with at European level.