Three Leiden papers in top 10 most cited of Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
At the start of the year a lot of journals publish lists of their most cited papers of the previous year. Three papers published by Leiden archaeologists were ranked in the top 10 of the Journal of Archaeological Science: reports.
Reconstructing ancient fire
A paper by PhD researcher Femke Reidsma ended up being the 3rd most cited paper in 2021 from Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. The paper in question deals with the effect of charring (heating without oxygen) on the chemical composition of bone, and how to use these properties to reconstruct ancient fire. This recognition is especially important since it concerns fundamental research, which in a time where science is dominated by fast, sexy papers with big claims is often overlooked. Ultimately, it is fundamental research that provides the building blocks for science to move forward.
Dogs, wolves, and dental calculus
Two other Leiden archaeology papers also made it into the top 10: as part of a four-way tie for 5th place there is Luc Janssens’ paper about parameters to distinguish dogs and wolves, and Amanda Henry’s study of plant macroremains in dental calculus samples from the Twe (forager-horticulturalists in Gambia and Angola).
To the papers
- Charred bone: Physical and chemical changes during laboratory simulated heating under reducing conditions and its relevance for the study of fire use in archaeology
- Plant microremains in dental calculus as a record of plant consumption: A test with Twe forager-horticulturalists
- An evaluation of classical morphologic and morphometric parameters reported to distinguish wolves and dogs