Talent Acceleration Grant of Medical Delta for Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam
For the Train your Brain project, Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam received the Medical Delta Talent Acceleration Grant. 'My pilot project does not focus on a specific research question, but introduces a new technology and creates an innovative lab set-up.'
Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam continued: 'It is difficult to get funding for such a generic proposal. With this pilot study, I hope to create a snowball effect for further research, not only for myself but for other researchers in the Medical Delta region as well.'
Train your brain: innovative lab set-up for real-time brain research
Under the title 'Train your brain', Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam wants to create a lab set-up in the province of Zuid-Holland for testing and developing real-time fMRI-based neurofeedback. This new technology makes it possible for people to receive real-time feedback about the functioning of a part of their brain during an MRI scan, and to act on it immediately.
In her research, Bas-Hoogendam wants to involve patients, doctors and the industry in order to develop a method that can be applied in practice. Ultimately, she hopes this will help develop treatments for anxiety disorders and other psychological conditions.
Medical Delta is making a total of € 200,000 available for projects by four talented scientists. With this funding, they will be able to perform pilot studies and give their scientific careers a boost. The aim of this Medical Delta Talent Acceleration Call is to increase the chances of follow-up funding.
Medical Delta funds pilot studies for four talented scientists