Leiden University seventh in global sustainability ranking
Leiden University has taken seventh place in the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Almost 1,000 universities from all over the world participate in the ranking.
The UI Green Metric is the initiative of the University of Indonesia (UI). This university draws up an annual inventory of how universities around the world deal with matters such as energy, climate, waste recycling, transport and water. The UI also looks at the extent to which sustainability is incorporated in the research and teaching, and how much budget is allocated to this.
Dutch universities
Leiden University is the third most sustainable university in the Netherlands. The University of Groningen climbed to third place this year and Wageningen University & Research is the world’s most sustainable university for the fifth time running. This year Leiden University is at number seven, one place higher than last year. Tilburg University made the most progress, rising from 228th to 78th place.
Waste and water management
According to the Green Metric report, Leiden University is doing particularly well in the field of water management and waste (both reducing waste production and separate collection). Where it can improve is to give more attention to sustainability in its teaching and research and to increasing biodiversity on its campuses.
The full ranking, broken down into categories, can be found on the UI Green Metric website.