Call for Applications: Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff
What is 'teaching excellence' in Higher Education? Which different teaching excellence training, promotion and reward schemes exist across Europe? How can a common European teaching scheme look like? The e-NOTE project led by Leiden University seeks to answer these question in cooperation with five partners across Europe.
Teaching Excellence
The European Network on Teaching Excellence invites applications from interested Academic Staff to participate in a five-day intensive training on teaching excellence. The Training is organised under the auspices of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project E-NOTE and will be hosted by the Leiden University in cooperation with the Universities of Charles, Coimbra and Copenhagen. The event will take place online between 10 Januray 2022 and 14 January 2022 and participants have the flexibility of choosing from the various programme panels.
The focus of the training will be on innovative and effective practices for training teaching excellence in higher education. The event is organised to benefit university management staff, higher education learning and development professionals and teaching staff. The objective of the event is to showcase good case studies of excellence training, including training curricula development and allow participants to gain hands-on experience through practical workshops. These will include demonstrations and simulations on how to develop excellent curricula.
Unfortunately, you can't no longer register for this training, the deadline was 10 December.
Selection criteria:
Candidates will be selected based on their professional background and motivation to participate to the event to ensure a diverse group of participants. Participants who followed at least one complete day of training will receive an attendance certificate.
More information
You will find the programme and more information about the Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff on the website of E-Note
You can learn more about the European Network on Teaching Excellence on the website as well and follow us on Twitter.