Announcement Fellow Program 2022 'The Iranian Highlands'
For 2022, The Iranian-German project 'The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies' announces the second round of fellowship grants. The fellowship is open for both iranian and non-iranian researchers, especially in archaeology but also in other interdisciplinary fields focussing on iranian cultural studies.
'The Iranian Highlands’ project is an interdisciplinary research program focusing on expressions of resilience in premodern Iranian Highland communities, their environment, and long-term developments in the Iranian Highlands. It is represented by 12 individual projects employing archaeology, inorganic and organic archaeometry, geo-sciences, ancient history, Near Eastern studies and linguistic research. Key research areas are: i) Landscapes and raw material regimes; ii) Daily life and institution; iii) Mobility and networks.
We invite researchers to submit proposals for the Fellow Program ‘The Iranian Highlands’ 2022 to carry out their own research in cooperation with a university or institution that is associated with the project. Applicants must submit separate applications for travel cost and research expenses. A detailed breakdown of research expenses is necessary. For both forms of applications (travel and research) the agreement of the respective institution is required. The Fellow Program is open to all researchers especially young researchers after their PhD-exam, especially parents with young children and families. Therefore, in addition to the fellowship grant, a family allowance may be granted. Due to the current situation the program will additionally support successful applicants in mandatory measures related to Covid-19 when necessary. The following average rates can be considered as a guideline for the Fellow Program:
Travel costs / fellows from Iran: up to € 800,-
Travel costs / fellows from Europe: up to € 500,-
Travel costs / fellows from Overseas other than Iran: up to € 1000,-
Research grants for Iranian scientists: up to € 2500,-
Family Allowance: up to € 800,-
Applications should consist of a brief project description (max. 700 words) including project goals, applied methods, a research schedule, a feasible and detailed breakdown of your budget plan, including publication, laboratory and any other expenses, as well as a commitment from the host university or institution for research and/or travel costs.
The Fellow Program supports any kind of research activity (e.g. archaeological, laboratory or archival research, museum studies, or workshop or conference contributions) but proposals have to relate to at least one of the listed key research areas; proposals must be submitted in English.
The deadline for submission is 10th of January 2022. Proposals submitted after the deadline and proposals that do not meet the above listed requirements will not be considered.
Successful applicants will be notified in March 2022.
Please send your application to: fellows@iranhighlands.com.
For details of the program, please check https://iranhighlands.com/ or https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/402379177?language=en
For questions, the committee of the grants program is at your disposal: fellows@iranhighlands.com.